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What is VingtHuit 28?.

Updated: Apr 24

If you read this blog you will begin to understand what VingtHuit 28 is exactly and what it stands for.

The first thing you need to understand is VingtHuit 28 is not just a mere company but it is a movement, moreover a Pan-African movement with the motive to have Africans, particularly those in Sub-Saharan Africa to be freed from the idea that they have to work full time jobs enriching Huge Corporations that do not have Africa's best interests at heart.

Africa's story has been written by others, we need to own our problems and solutions and write our story". - Paul Kagame [President of Rwanda - 2013]

The plight of many Namibians and Africans at large is that they find themselves in countries rampant with corruption and many hurdles the most prominent of which are usually a lack of difficulty in obtaining capital to start up. Usually this also goes in hand with having insufficient access to infrastructure and services pertaining to being either trained or generally prepared to meet the requirements of the institutions providing funding who typically require business plans/proposals and various forms of credibility before providing assistance.

Moreover, you will also find existing business-men and women engaging in business without registered businesses, with no brand; no plan; no marketing strategy and doing themselves, and the country at large an injustice.

Before we address the discrepancies and incompetencies of Governments we need to ensure that there enough businesses such as VingtHuit 28 around able to support SME's in their search to start up and establish their businesses.


Why is all of this important?

Because many Africans are unemployed and/or are struggling to either start or grow their business


First of all you must understand that small businesses are the backbone of any economy. Amongst the top performing nations such as the Nordic countries you will find an economy robust and teeming with a large and vibrant private sector. When entrepreneurship is thriving it means the economy is thriving and the entire country subsequently benefits from this, in many various ways.

Secondly one must also take into account the circumstances that many find themselves in. Within the context of Namibia, the majority of the population is made up of youth. And amongst the youth, the unemployment rate in Namibia at the time of writing is about 40%. This means rounding up, roughly 1 in 2 people under the age of 35 are unemployed. This is a huge bulk of the functional potential workforce are dormant & inactive.

The Namibian government mentions often that youth should engage in entrepreneurship. The issue is many do not know where to begin when trying to obtain funding.

This blog seeks to give the common entrepreneur a voice, it also is a platform to educate and inform the public of the issues we are facing, both as a country and a continent at large, and as a space not only to draw inspiration from but to engage in discourse at well.

If you are reading this please drop a comment and stay tuned for our members area where we will engage in the future.

Watch as this story unravels...

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