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Make your dreams a reality

...right now.

Design Book

Just do it

Have a dream for a business?

Don't know where to start?

What are you waiting for?

VingtHuit28 is here to help you.

Innovation - Driven Solutions

We will do everything for you from Registration of your Business to making a Business Plan to helping you get a loan. We then help you make a website, a logo and even an office space to rent/buy and everything in between to organizing an entire business launch.

Modern Office



We use statistics and analyse your business market, competition and strategy from every possible angle.


Next Generation Technologies

Online Delivery, 

Online PayPal Payment

Bitcoint Payment

What you need? we can make it happen


Scroll to learn about our company’s journey

Marble Surface



Take off

The start-up or break even phase will be working with many consultants and referalls.




We intend on impacting the entire SME sector as a whole and by this phase intend on having a few branches and multiple employees



Coffee Shop With Plants


Do you take pride in the way you look? 

Do you brush your teeth?

Comb your hair?

Have a fashion sense?


Then why do you not do the same with your business?

What am I talking about?

The fact that if you tick any of the following, your business/juristic person has poor hygiene:

  • do not have a logo

  • do not have any company regalia/promotional material such as business cards/flyers

  • don't have a decent website/not on social media

  • customers cant find you with a google search

  • don't have a digital form of tracking your incomes and expenses

  • no options of online payment or delivery

  • operate in an office space that is not easy on the eye to you as an owner

  • do not have an expansion plan or any plan

If the answer is yes to any of these, then I have bad news for you. Your enterprise has bad business hygiene. The good news however, is, we are here and can help solve these issues for you.


Think of us as you would an interior designer, or a fashion designer but in a juristic form. 




We would like to help make your business attractive to your customers.


Remember. First Impressions count.





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